Monday, April 11, 2011


One prime supporter for the theory that we are devolving is the movie “Idiocracy”.  It most clearly and amazingly supplies all of the evidence that humans are devolving in the beginning of the movie.  It starts with an over voice stating that natural selection, the most essential part of evolution, selected intelligence as favorable aspect for survival and was enhanced upon.  But now other traits are favored, such as the physical strength, attractiveness, and the ability to reproduce.  In the movie the voice says “Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence.  With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduce the most and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.”  One solution posed in the movie was for people to read books and learn as much as they can for knowledge’s sake.  Though it isn’t necessarily true that because we use our minds that they will expand over time and keep us from devolving, rather we have to have a need to expand our minds then nature will provide the change.  But yet we still get some small feeling of accomplishment for finishing a book.  This is true in the sense that we most of all want to be considered smart (or avoid being classified as ignorant) and by reading we achieve that feeling, but the notion that we actually accomplished anything by doing so is mere fallacy.  That being said reading still has much more importance to our individual intellect.

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