Monday, April 11, 2011

The "Struggle" of Reading

People in modern times disapprove of long books thinking it’s not worth their time and watching a movie instead.  People seem to be more boastful of the number of books they’ve read rather than what was in the books themselves.  This makes books seem more like some kind of enduring punishment to be proud of, rather than a source of entertainment and information.  In fact, it wouldn’t be too far off to say that reading a book in this modern day society for entertainment is unusual and abnormal thanks to modern day cinema.  In this field of reading it should be more centered on quality of the book than the quantity.  Aristotle says that a part of thinking is suffering, and few people are actually truly suffering in this modern day society.  Unconsciously we gradually become reliant on others approval.  People also use social networking to confirm the reality of an event or just to get others approval.  Many of the children of the modern age prefer to talk to each other online than in person. 

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